Bailey Bryan - Own It Lyrics

Bailey Bryan - Own It Lyrics
Bailey Bryan - Own It Lyrics

Bailey Bryan - Own It Lyrics

I'm right even when I'm wrong
I break things like hearts And iPhones
Patsy Cline when it's raining
In the car with my friends I'm Jay Z

Can't dance but I won't stop
In my little black dress And hightops
Don't care but still get jealous
Without GPS I'm helpless

But I'm not gonna stress
I'm such a beautiful mess

Who cares What they say
I never listen anyway
In my head Yeah I'm cool
Gonna keep making my own rules

So Call me crazy
Dysfunctional maybe
I don't care I'll show it

'Cause I own it
Own it Own it
'Cause I own it
Own it Own it
Ooh ooh

I'm ambitious But don't like work
I write love songs Can't flirt
Awkward in conversation
But I'm Shakespeare When I'm texting ha

Sweatpants But I'm still a lady
Trip and fall in public Gracefully
Wild But I'm nerdy
I party hard 'Til at least 9:30

Who cares What they say
I never listen anyway
In my head Yeah I'm cool
Gonna keep making my own rules

So Call me crazy
Dysfunctional maybe
I don't care I'll show it

'Cause I own it
Own it Own it
'Cause I own it
Own it Own it
Ooh ooh

Own your coolness
Own your crazy
Own your story in the making
Own your passion
Own your style

Own your stupid
Own your brave and
Own your wings and your mistakes
Own your style
Own your stupid

We're not gonna stress
We're all such a beautiful mess

Who cares What they say
We never listen anyway
In our heads Yeah I'm cool
Gonna keep making our own rules

So Call us crazy
Dysfunctional maybe
We don't care We'll show it

'Cause we own it
Own it Own it
We own it
Own it Own it
Ooh ooh
We own it

Own it Own it
We own it
Own it Own it
Just ow ow ow own it

Bailey Bryan - Own It (Official Music Video):